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An Association to promote the interest for and the knowledge of the Danish cultural legacy on the former Danish West Indies and raising funds for
restoration and preservation of these.
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At the old Danish historic graveyard in Christiansted at St.Croix a lot of Danes, Norwegians,
Dutch, English, Americans and people from North and South Slesvig all the way down to Altonar
are buried. The association sees it as a goal to be able to restore and maintain these graves both for relatives
and to the delight of the tourists and the local population.
Help us to restore and maintain these graves and cultural relishes for posterity. You can do this by depositing
an amount on account no. 000-00-27758 at sparekassen Løgumkloster. All amounts received will be used
uncut for the purpose they have been sponsored for. Very small amounts will also be welcome.

If you would like any further information please use the address or mail of the association.

If you would like to be a member of the association or if you would like any further information
please contact us - possibly by E-mail.


Dansk VestIndiens Venner
v. Formand Jan Freitag
Klovtoftvej 18, Klovtoft
DK - 6230 Rødekro

Mail: info@dviv.dk



The membership-fees for our association pr. year:

Single member            40,- Kr.
Couples                      75,- Kr.
Families                    100,- DKK. - Incl.. Children under 18 living at home.

Copyright © 2007 by JF - DVIV